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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, I represent my clients with power of attorney that can be signed anywhere in the world according to that country’s law and authenticated to be used in Portugal. The payment of the price is also made through my professional bank account and I work with exchange companies in case the payment is not in Euros. This way, I can represent my clients, sign the deed and register them as the owners without them having to come to Portugal. I will have the keys in my office waiting for you.
If you decide to buy a holiday home in Portugal, often the estimated costs do not exceed 8% of the purchase price, considering all the taxes, legal fees, notary fees, ownership registration and transfer of utilities.
All due diligence prior to the completion deed is part of my services and I will make sure that you are buying the property without mortgages or any other charges. After the final deed and payment of the full price, I will make sure that the property is registered in your name in all public departments, condominium and utility companies.
Of course. I will provide assistance in registering rental activity at the tax department, inform you of all the requirements that the property must meet to be open to the public according to safety regulations and I can request the AL license on your behalf. If needed, I also work with a network of people and companies that can help you with bookings and property management, as well as accountancy.
Although it is not required to grant a will in Portugal, I advise my clients to do so, as it will facilitate the inheritance process if something happens, as with the Portuguese will we can register the property in the legatees’ name in a faster way without having to wait for the inheritance and probate process to be finished in the country of origin.

A fiscal representative makes sure that you are notified of all taxes and obligations before the Tax Department, as you don’t want to miss out on paying the annual council rates, for example, and risk to have your property seized. If you have your residency address out of the EU, and you own a property or bank account in Portugal, then you must have a fiscal representative or activate official e-notifications . If your address is in an EU country, you can decide whether or not you want to have a fiscal representative.

Yes, we provide that service in our office as well as representation at the sale, freeing you of the hassle and we can also provide you with a capital gains tax estimate to help you decide the sale price.
Yes, I can. However, you will have to come to Portugal at least once to open the bank account as your signature must be collected and most bank banks are not yet ready to accept digital signature. From that point, I can represent you in the bank signing anything that may be required to get the mortgage.
It is not recommended to sign any reservation or sign any document before all the legal documents are checked out. The promissory contract is the right document to be signed when all the terms and conditions of the purchase are agreed and all the legal documents are in order. The signatures of the parties on this contract must be witnessed by a solicitor, notary or lawyer to ensure that it is according to the law. It is very risky to make a payment without having all the information in hands, especially if it is non-refundable.
Everyone at the office speaks English and Portuguese fluently. Feel free to send us an enquiry to our email or give us a call – Monday to Friday between 9h30 to 13h00 and 14h00 to 17h30.